Osteoarthritis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Osteoarthritis is a common form of arthritis resulting from the breakdown and abrasion of joint tissue. The symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, and difficulty of movement.
Early diagnosis can increase the chances of successful treatment and reduce permanent damage. That is why it’s crucial to understand osteoarthritis.
In this article, we will learn more about the symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
What is osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative arthritis often referred to as the wear and tear of the joints. But it’s more than just simple wear and tear.
As a result of osteoarthritis, joint tissues themselves go through changes, causing them to break down over time. This process can affect the protective cushion called cartilage, the tendons and ligaments, the lining of the joint, and even the bones. The results are joint pain, stiffness, and swelling.
The effects of osteoarthritis usually increase over time and can turn even simple everyday activities into painful struggles.
Types of osteoarthritis
We can distinguish between primary and secondary osteoarthritis. It’s called primary when the cause of the disease is unknown, and secondary when it’s caused by an underlying injury, disease, or infection.
Symptoms and signs of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a condition that worsens over time. We can break down the progression of the disease into different stages. Each stage has distinct symptoms and varying levels of impact on our everyday lives.
The first stage is called pre-osteoarthritis, where the disease is not apparent yet, but early cellular level changes can already be present. While this stage of the disease doesn’t show symptoms yet, diagnosis is possible using MRI technology.
Osteoarthritis then progresses to the early stage, where mild joint pain may occur, but the symptoms are still sparse. During this stage, the cartilage may start to wear down.
In the next stage, painful growths on the ends of the bones may appear, called bone spurs. The damage to the cartilage increases, causing the space between the joints to narrow. Symptoms of this stage may include stiffness and increased pain during joint movement.
The worsening disease can enter a moderate stage, where the cartilage and the bones can show visible signs of abrasion. Bone spurs may increase in size and get more painful. In this stage, the joint pain usually becomes more apparent with movement, and the joints get stiffer after periods of inactivity.
In the final stage of osteoarthritis, the cartilage of the joints has suffered severe damage. With most or all of the cushioning gone, the bones may rub against each other, causing intense pain. This stage of the disease can significantly affect our everyday lives, turning even the simplest activities into painful experiences. The symptoms may include swelling and inflammation of the joints as well.

Diagnosing osteoarthritis
Doctors can diagnose osteoarthritis using a combination of physical examination, imaging tests, and fluid analysis.
First, they will perform a physical exam and check the range of movement, flexibility, and signs of swelling or tenderness.
If they suspect arthritis, X-ray or MRI scans can reveal signs of cartilage loss and bone spurs.
During a joint aspiration test, they draw liquid directly from the joints to look for signs of inflammation and infections. A blood test can help rule out other forms of arthritis.
Diagnosing osteoarthritis in its early stages can provide a chance to slow down the progression of the disease and delay the more painful later stages.
Osteoarthritis causes
While osteoarthritis is commonly known as the wear and tear of the joints, it’s more than just simple abrasion. When you suffer from osteoarthritis, the tissues change on a cellular level. And while the overuse of the joint can accelerate the progression of the disease, osteoarthritis may occur even without it.
Some common risk factors may increase the chances of developing the disease and worsen the condition.
Some occupations and sports require repeated movement, which might lead to stress and overuse of the joints. This kind of stress, or other joint injuries, can increase the risks of faster development of the disease.
Age and sex can also contribute to osteoarthritis, as the risk increases with older age, and the disease is more common among women.
As with other forms of arthritis, obesity can be a risk factor because it increases the load and stress on the joints.
Osteoarthritis can develop from bone deformities or some metabolic diseases too. These are sometimes related to genetics and family history and sometimes caused by other medical conditions.

Osteoarthritis treatment
While osteoarthritis can’t be cured entirely, it’s possible to manage the symptoms and slow down or even stop the progression of the disease.
Treatment for osteoarthritis usually involves a combination of different methods.
The main goal of osteoarthritis medication is to reduce the pain and inflammation.
Depending on the severity of your symptoms, doctors may prescribe different kinds of medications. The most commonly used ones are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that often reduce both inflammation and pain. If you can’t take other forms of medicine, paracetamol painkillers might be recommended. For very intense pain, doctors might give you opioids, but usually only for a shorter period.
In some cases, when other forms of treatment don’t work well, steroid injections can offer relief.
Lifestyle changes
Some general lifestyle changes can decrease the risk of osteoarthritis or slow down the progression of an already-developed disease.
Regular exercise can help in multiple different ways. It strengthens the joints and the surrounding muscles, increasing durability and joint support. It can also help you lose weight and decrease the load and stress on the joints. When you have osteoarthritis, it’s best to consult your doctor about exercise plans, as high-impact movements like running might do more harm than good. Low-impact exercises like swimming or tai-chi might be better choices.
It is also worth considering changing your diet. As mentioned before, losing weight could be an essential lifestyle change to manage the disease, and a well-structured diet can help you with that. You might also want to avoid unhealthy food choices, such as meals high in fats, sugary drinks, and other inflammatory foods.
Surgery is usually only recommended in rare cases when other types of treatments fail or the joint damage is very severe.
Joint replacement, joint fusing, or bone surgery are all possible options, but usually, these are reserved as a last measure.
Pain relief for osteoarthritis
One of the biggest challenges with osteoarthritis is managing the everyday pain.
While traditional medicines offer effective pain relief, they rarely come without side effects. Especially when taken regularly over a long period of time.
So, we often look for alternative pain remedies. This is exactly how we came up with a new and effective solution called vibrotactile technology. This method is entirely drug-free, so you don't have to worry about side effects. And it doesn't interfere with other pain meds, either.
We call this new way of pain management the Freedom SuperPatch because it finally sets you free not only from the pain but also from the worry of potentially harmful medications.
Ready to reclaim your Freedom? Check out our Freedom pain patches!
9 Strategies for Lower Back Pain Relief
Back pain, including lower back pain, can have a wide variety of causes in adults, from strains and sprains while working in the house or garden to old sports injuries or chronic conditions. For the majority of people, symptoms usually improve within several days, with lower back pain treatments including rest, over the counter medications and at-home strategies – often in combination.
Sudden or severe back pain should be checked by a healthcare provider, as should pain that persists and becomes chronic. However, you may find lower back pain relief with these simple strategies.
Home Remedies
Healthcare providers may first recommend that you try at-home lower back pain treatments:
Heat or Ice
Ice is regularly used for recent or acute injuries, helping to minimize pain and inflammation. Try applying ice to your lower back three times a day. Heat is recommended for treating older injuries or chronic pain, helping to relax muscles and increase circulation. Moist heat in particular, such as baths, showers and heat packs are thought to work well.
There are two primary forms of over-the-counter medication used to provide lower back pain relief: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen. Both may be effective at relieving back pain in minor instances, although NSAIDs will specifically target the inflammation that causes swelling. Other forms of medication may also be recommended, such as prescription pain relievers, muscle relaxants, narcotics/opioids or even antidepressants.
Medicated Creams
Skin creams, salves or patches may assist with lower back pain relief when your muscles are tense or sore. They typically include ingredients that cool, heat or numb the affected area, such as camphor, menthol or lidocaine. Super Patch’s Freedom Patch works differently, interacting with the nervous system to influence pain signals sent to the brain. You can learn more about how these patches work.

If home remedies aren’t effectively providing lower back pain relief, you may try a number of medical lower back pain treatments:
Physical Therapy
Working with a physical therapist is advised if you have been unsuccessful at relieving back pain in over 4-6 weeks. Here are a number of techniques they may utilize to address your symptoms.
Studies have found that both relaxation as well as structural massages, which involve soft-tissue techniques for muscles and bones, may provide lower back pain relief within a number of weeks. This type of therapy requires multiple treatments.
Complementary Therapy
There are several types of complementary therapies that may help provide lower back pain relief. These may include acupuncture, where hair-thin sterilized needles are inserted into precise points in the body to release blocked energy, and movement therapies such as yoga and tai chi, to help stretch and strengthen back muscles. Complementary therapies are thought to work best when used in conjunction with other lower back pain relief strategies.
General Healthy Habits to Reduce Risk of Lower Back Pain
Staying Active & Stretching
While you may be tentative to keep moving after an injury, staying active is highly recommended for both supplying lower back pain relief and from stopping existing pain from getting worse. Low-impact exercise promotes healing and increases blood flow, while a lack of movement can cause the muscles around your spine to weaken or stiffen.
Practice gentle stretching too. Tight hamstrings are particularly notorious for contributing to lower back pain; try to carefully stretch your hamstrings at least twice a day, holding for 15-30 seconds at a time.
Stick to your normal activity levels where possible, aiming to get moving at least three times a week. This also helps you to maintain a healthy weight, which reduces the risk of back pain by lightening the load on your lower back. Stop activity that increases pain, but don’t avoid moving due to fear of pain.
Explore Supplements
If we don’t manage to get enough of the nutrients we need from our daily diet, supplements can help. Many individuals don’t meet their daily vitamin D requirements, which are important for bone health, particularly in women. A lack of magnesium can also lead to muscle cramps and weakness. Carefully adding important nutrients into your diet through supplementation can strengthen and protect your joints, bones and muscles. This in turn can assist with preventing and relieving lower back pain.
Maintain Good Posture
Practicing correct posture helps ease the pressure placed on the lower back. A few simple adjustments can help improve posture:
- Engage your abdominal muscles
- Try keep your head stacked over the pelvis, avoiding straining the neck forward
- Roll your shoulders down the back and away from your ears
- When sitting, keep your feet on the ground and avoid crossing your legs
- When standing, keep your feet shoulder-width apart, with your weight distributed evenly across both your feet
While the following are less likely, more serious strategies for lower back pain relief include cortisone injections to help decrease inflammation and temporary relieve pain, radiofrequency ablation, which interferes with pain signals sent to the brain, implanted nerve stimulators and surgery.
Understanding Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit healthcare providers. It can be caused by many different conditions, injuries or diseases, even underlying chronic conditions, but most often it is the result of injury to muscles or tendons in the back.
About the Lower Back

The spine is made up of 24 separate bones called vertebrae, which are stacked one on top of the other. The lumbar spine, located in the lower back, consists of a number of these vertebrae. It plays a crucial role in supporting the weight of the upper body. Everyday movements such as twisting, bending and managing the muscles in the pelvis, hips, legs and feet are also governed by the lumbar spine. The nerves, disks, cartilage between the disks, ligaments, muscles and bones in the lumbar spine are therefore susceptible to wear, tear and injury over time, sometimes resulting in lower back pain. At the bottom of the spine, below the vertebrae, are the sacrum and coccyx bones.
Lower Back Pain Symptoms
Lower back pain is sometimes referred to as lumbosacral pain or lumbago.
Symptoms of lower back pain may appear both suddenly or gradually. Pain may occur after a specific event, such as bending or twisting the spine, perhaps with an audible “pop” at the time of incidence, or the cause of pain may be unknown. Lower back pain may be sharp, presenting as muscle spasms or stiffness, or it may be felt as a dull ache, perhaps in the hips and/or pelvis. The pain may worsen with sitting, rapidly improve while walking, or be noticeably worse in the morning. Pain may also affect posture, making it hard to stand up straight. Pain may also radiate down the buttocks and back of the legs, which may indicate a condition known as sciatica.

Potential Causes of Lower Back Pain
Many different injuries, conditions or diseases may be the causes of lower back pain. These include:
Mechanical or functional injuries: Strains and sprains to muscles, tendons and ligaments are the most common causes of lower back pain, resulting in roughly 97% of all incidences.
Fractures: Breaks to the spine may occur in traumatic injury, or as the result of certain conditions such as spondylolysis or osteoporosis which increase the risk of fractures.
Disk issues: Complex disks made largely of cartilage and a gelatinous core are cushioned between the spinal vertebrae. Disks may bulge from their positions and press on nerves, flatten over time and offer less protection (degenerative disk disease), or tear (known as a herniated disk), resulting in lower back pain.
Arthritis: Osteoarthritis or “wear and tear” arthritis is a common cause of inflammation, stiffness and pain in the lower back.
More information on structural problems such as spinal stenosis, diseases that cause direct or referred pain such as kidney stones, and a condition called spondylolisthesis involving slipped vertebrae can be found in the following articles outlining back pain specific to men and women.
Non-Specific Lower Back Pain
It is not always possible to identify causes of lower back pain, and lumbago often remains undiagnosed as a result. Strains and sprains are usually responsible, but a number of symptoms may contribute and result in ongoing chronic back pain.
While it may be difficult to pinpoint the source of pain when looking for relief, certain risk factors may help with causation. Both manual jobs that include lifting and pulling movements, or twisting of the spine, and sedentary jobs that render workers desk bound, put individuals at risk of lower back pain. Smoking, being obese or inactive, having a demanding job or being overtly stressed, standing for a long time or suffering with depression may also contribute to lower back pain.
When to Seek Help
Lower back pain is regularly resolved on its own over time, but in some instances you may need to seek help for your lumbago. If pain lasts four weeks or longer, gets worse over time or is present alongside other symptoms such as fever, considerable weight gain or loss, bladder issues or loss of function in extremities, medical attention should be sought out.
Inflammatory Arthritis – Types, Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments
Inflammatory arthritis is not a single disease but a group of medical conditions that affect the joints and cause inflammation.
If you experience joint inflammation, you might be dealing with inflammatory arthritis. To learn more about your condition, you need to know the different types of inflammatory arthritis, their symptoms, and possible treatment options.
So, in the following article, we will explore these and more.
What is inflammatory arthritis?
Arthritis is an umbrella term for diseases that affect the joints and cause pain, swelling, and often inflammation. Many forms of arthritis are inflammatory diseases, but not all of them.
A common example of non-inflammatory arthritis could be osteoarthritis.
The question arises, why is it even necessary to differentiate between non-inflammatory and inflammatory arthritides? The reason for that is the difference in treatment methods.
Those with inflammatory arthritis will not only need to manage the pain symptoms but also treat the underlying inflammation and potentially the cause of that inflammation too.
Types of inflammatory arthritis
When we say inflammatory arthritis, we can refer to many different diseases.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
An inflammatory autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis causes the immune system to attack healthy cells. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms may include joint pain, swelling, and stiffness.
Reactive arthritis (ReA)
Reactive arthritis, as the name suggests, usually develops as a reaction to an infection or food poisoning. It causes inflammation and pain in the joints.
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic disease that causes inflammation in the spine area leading to back pain and joint stiffness.
Psoriatic arthritis
Psoriasis is an inflammatory autoimmune condition that causes the skin to form scaly patches. The disease might attack the joints, making them stiff and painful, called psoriatic arthritis.
Septic arthritis
Septic arthritis can develop as a result of an underlying infection. It's often called infectious arthritis for this reason. With septic arthritis, early diagnosis is crucial to avoid permanent damage.
Gout is a disease where uric acid buildup creates sharp little crystals in the joints, causing pain flare-ups and inflammation.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
SLE is the most common form of lupus, an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the tissues in the body, including the joints.
Inflammatory arthritis symptoms
As we have seen, inflammatory arthritis has many different forms, and their symptoms could differ. What they all have in common is the inflammation of the joints, which leads to some typical symptoms across the different types.
- Joint pain
- Swelling
- Warmth
- Tenderness
- Stiffness, especially in the morning
Keep in mind that the above symptoms might also indicate non-inflammatory arthritis and other joint diseases as well.
Many forms of inflammatory arthritis are results of an underlying autoimmune disease, and those might affect other parts of the body, not just the joints. So people might experience other symptoms in addition to the ones listed above. These might include fatigue, pain, fever, weight loss, etc.
Diagnosing inflammatory arthritis
As inflammatory arthritis encompasses more than one disease, the methods of diagnosis can differ for each.
Doctors usually examine the symptoms, take blood and joint fluid samples, and order imaging tests like X-rays and MRIs.
With many forms of arthritis, early diagnosis is crucial, as it may increase your chances of avoiding permanent damage and more severe consequences. So, if you experience any of the previously mentioned symptoms, it's advised that you book an appointment with your doctor.

Inflammatory arthritis treatment
As the root cause behind these inflammatory joint diseases can differ, so does the treatment for them. A few of them can be cured, others can go into remission, and with some, your best course of action is simply reducing the symptoms.
Relieving pain and reducing inflammation are common treatment goals with almost all forms of inflammatory arthritis.
These can be achieved with different medications, depending on the severity of the symptoms and other factors. Analgesic painkillers reduce the pain but not the inflammation, so doctors usually recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) instead. While NSAIDs can reduce the symptoms of pain and inflammation, they can't stop the progression of the disease.
Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are commonly used to treat inflammatory or autoimmune conditions. These drugs are immunosuppressants or immunomodulators, meaning that they usually reduce the activity of the immune system, which in turn slows down or stops autoimmune diseases. Their downside is that your body will be more vulnerable to other attacks because of the weaker immune system.
Another option for treating inflammatory arthritis is corticosteroids. These can be injected directly into the joints, reducing inflammation and suppressing the autoimmune reaction. Their effects can last for as long as a couple of months.
Other ways to reduce inflammation
While they don't substitute proper medical treatment, some lifestyle changes and alternative methods might help reduce the inflammation in your body.
A healthy diet
Following an anti-inflammatory diet for arthritis can reduce symptoms and lead to an overall healthier lifestyle.
Grapes, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, blueberries, nuts, tea, and salmon are some of the best anti-inflammatory foods. Some spices like turmeric, rosemary, cumin, ginger, and cinnamon may also help with inflammation.
Some other foods are best to avoid. Red and processed meats, fried food, soda, and refined carbohydrates are all known for their inflammatory effects. Heavy alcohol consumption can also lead to increased inflammation, so it's best to lower your intake of alcoholic drinks.
Regular exercise
Leading an active lifestyle has many benefits, including a protective effect against chronic inflammation.
In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects, regular exercise may also help you lose weight, reducing the load on the joints, which is beneficial for any form of arthritis.
However, arthritis patients should avoid further stress on the joints, so be mindful when choosing exercise options. Low-impact sports like tai-chi or swimming are preferable over high-impact movements like running.
Stress management
When we experience stress, our body releases different chemicals and hormones. These trigger a stress response, which is useful in the short term but it also suppresses many important bodily functions at the same time. When stress becomes chronic, this can negatively affect our bodies in many different ways, including increased inflammation.
Therefore, managing everyday stress levels can help ease the symptoms of inflammatory diseases and provide many other benefits.
While we can't eliminate stressors from our lives completely, meditation and breathing exercises can reduce their effects.
Cold therapy
Temperature therapy is a commonly recommended alternative method for joint pain relief. It's effective, easy to use, and doesn't interfere with medications.
But when dealing with inflammatory arthritis, it's best to avoid heat therapy because it stimulates inflammation.
Cold therapy, on the other hand, can not only offer pain relief but also reduces inflammation and swelling.
Looking for Back Pain Relief? 9 Strategies That Could Help
Our back muscles and spine support most of the body’s weight, playing a part in everyday movements such as sitting, standing and walking. It is no surprise, then, that back pain is one of our most common complaints, particularly as we age, with back pain relief frequently being sought out. If you want to know more about your symptoms, here are a few common causes of back pain as well as advice on when to seek medical attention.
Improve Your Posture To Reduce Back Pain
Bad posture can aggravate back pain, especially if you are prone to sitting for long stretches of time. Stand with your chest lifted, tailbone tucked in and shoulders back. Try achieve the same when sitting, with your body supported against the back of your chair and feet flat on the floor. You could also secure a cushion or rolled towel between your lower back and chair for more support.
Use Ice and Heat
Both ice and heat are generally commended as ways to alleviate pain. Regular applications of ice may reduce pain and inflammation from recent or acute injuries, while heat is recommended to increase circulation and relax muscles in instances of older, chronic pain.
Don’t Over-Rest
If you are wondering how to relieve your back pain, don’t head straight for the bed. It may seem counter-intuitive, but bed rest may only aggravate your symptoms. In fact, lying still is considered to be one of the worst responses to back pain, with only one or two days of rest being recommended. Thereafter, it is advised that you begin moving slowly again. Exercise is considered to be one of the most effective ways to provide general and lower back pain relief, so trying walking, swimming or yoga if possible.
Prioritize Quality Sleep
Poor sleep and back pain go hand-in-hand. A sore back can keep you up at night, while poor sleep conditions can worsen your symptoms. Lying on your side with a pillow placed between the knees to neutralize your spine can help supply back pain relief, while securing a pillow behind the knees is ideal for sleeping on your back.

Get OTC or Prescription Medication
In addition to ibuprofen and paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) drugs and acetaminophen may provide some back pain relief and are both available over the counter. If you are experiencing more than mild symptoms, NSAIDs, as well as muscle relaxants, are also offered in prescription strengths. For back pain relief from more severe conditions, medication can be administered through a spinal injection. However, studies show that medication alone is not enough to offer back pain relief, so you will likely need additional treatment to ease your symptoms.
Physical and Massage Therapy
In addition to identifying the source of your pain, physical therapists can address symptoms both by implementing treatment and prescribing back pain exercises for you to practice on your own.
Treatment could incorporate spinal manipulation, electrical stimulation, acupuncture as well as massage. More recently, therapists have been including transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in their treatment plans, where incoming pain signals are blocked by delivering mild electric pulses to the nerves.
Back pain exercises could include specialized moves to strengthen core muscles that support the back, as well as general guidance for sitting, standing and moving in a way that protects the spine. Increasing your strength, endurance and flexibility is a great long-term strategy for providing back pain relief, although it takes time to produce results. Regularly administered sports, Swedish or destress massages may also improve pain and function if you receive them regularly.
Talk it Out
You may wonder why you would see a psychologist if you are exploring how to relieve back pain. But research has found cognitive behavioral therapy in particular to be very effective in providing back pain relief. Identifying and changing thought and behavioral patterns surrounding pain or disability may help you alleviate your symptoms.
Try Biofeedback
Another side-effect-free method of general or lower back pain relief is biofeedback. This process entails a practitioner using specialized equipment to measure functions in your body. Based on the feedback provided, your practitioner can suggest physiologic changes you can make to help provide back pain relief. These may be slight adjustments in your body, such as breathing differently or relaxing certain muscles. Practiced over time, these behaviors can be an effective method for reducing pain without equipment or medication.
Use a Freedom Patch
Pain is perceived in the brain, where it registers signals sent from around the body. Altering these signals can influence our perception of pain. This is how the Freedom Patch from Super Patch works to provide back pain relief. Each patch interacts with the nervous system through a unique formation of ridges that resemble a QR code. This interaction can influence messages sent to the brain and help reduce sensations of pain. The good news is that simple measures are usually effective at relieving most episodes of back pain, especially if you are under 60. Surgery is rarely needed. Home-care plus using the body correctly may be all that is needed to provide effective back pain relief within a few weeks.
Traditional vs. Alternative Arthritis Treatments: Which One Works Best?
Arthritis can be a devastating disease that takes its toll on our everyday well-being. It turns even simple activities, like walking and picking things up, into painful tasks. Finding remedies for arthritis is crucial to regain your pain-free life.
To help you find the best remedy for your symptoms, we will look at different treatment options, weighing the pros and cons of each.
If you are ready to finally say goodbye to your arthritis pains, keep reading!
The goal of arthritis treatments
Before we dive into the list of remedies, we need to talk a bit about the goal of arthritis treatments.
Arthritis has many forms. Each of them affects the joints in negative ways, but the set of symptoms and the progression of the disease can vary. What’s important to keep in mind is that most forms of arthritis can cause permanent damage to the joints. Once the damage is done, it usually can’t be undone completely.
Furthermore, most types of arthritis are incurable conditions and will get worse over time.
So, generally, the aim of treatment is to slow down the progression of the disease and lessen the impact of the symptoms on our everyday lives.
Traditional treatment options for arthritis
First, we will discuss traditional remedies, often prescribed by doctors.
Over-the-counter or prescription painkillers
Pain relief is among the top priorities when treating arthritis.
For this purpose, doctors often recommend traditional painkillers, either OTC or prescription ones, depending on how severe the pain is. These usually reduce the pain symptoms, but some of them don’t treat the inflammation.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Ibuprofen and Naproxen are frequently used NSAID medications. They reduce both inflammation and pain.
While these medications are reliable sources of pain relief, they often come with undesirable side effects, such as stomach irritations or an increased risk of heart problems.
Corticosteroids are often used in treating arthritis, either in the form of pills or directly injected into the joints. They help reduce inflammation and work as an immunosuppressant. The latter is important, because some types of arthritis are autoimmune diseases, meaning that the immune system attacks the joints, causing damage.
Corticosteroid treatments are usually more effective than NSAIDs, and the effects of one injection can last for several months. However, they also weaken the immune system, and repeated use can increase cartilage loss. So, they don’t come without side effects either.
Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)
DMARDs are often used by patients with autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis. They can slow down the progression of the disease by suppressing the immune reaction of the body. While this can help treat the symptoms of arthritis, it also comes with a weakened immune system.
Targeted DMARDs are a fairly new type of medication. As their name suggests, instead of affecting the whole immune system, they only target certain molecules, lessening the side effects while keeping the benefits.
Topical solutions
Creams, gels, patches, and other topical solutions can be used instead of - or in conjunction with - oral medicines.
The active ingredients in these solutions can vary. Some contain natural numbing or cooling agents, others are targeted NSAID medications.
Surgery for arthritis
Surgery is a more drastic measure, but in some severe cases, it might be the only effective treatment.
During joint repair surgery, the surfaces of the bones are smoothened and realigned. This removes the painful bone spurs at the ends of bones, and helps alleviate the pain. In some cases, the joint can’t be saved anymore, and replacement surgery might be necessary. During this process, they replace the whole joint with an artificial one.

Natural, alternative, and home remedies for arthritis
Alongside the traditional medications, there are also some alternative remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.
When looking at alternative treatments, it’s important to do the proper research for each option. Some of the solutions you might come across are science-backed and recommended by doctors, while others, not so much.
Herbal remedies for arthritis
Some herbal and natural solutions can ease the pain of the joints and allow a better range of movement. These are usually topical remedies, like creams applied directly to the affected joints.
Common ingredients in these products are menthol and capsaicin. Menthol has a cooling effect that soothes the nerves, reduces inflammation, and alleviates the pain. Capsaicin - extracted from chili peppers - has the exact opposite effect causing an initial burning sensation in the area, which numbs the pain by blocking a pain signal chemical in the body.
Hot and cold therapy
Temperature therapy is a natural and science-backed way to reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation.
Heat therapy can relax the stiff joints and improve circulation in the surrounding area. It can be as simple as a hot bath or a heating pad. But some prefer using warm paraffin wax on the painful joints.
Cold therapy can numb the pain receptors in the area, soothing pain and reducing inflammation. A bag of ice, a cold pack, or a bathtub filled with iced water are all simple ways that can help with the acute pains of arthritis.
Massage therapy has an important medical role in many joint or muscle-related diseases, including arthritis. A good massage can improve blood flow, reduce swelling and stiffness, and temporarily improve the mobility of the joints.
It’s important to note that one should be careful with massages, applying only moderate pressure and never done during a pain flare-up.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
TENS is a treatment that works by sending an electric current through the nerves, overriding pain signals. While some find it an effective way to relieve acute pains, the scientific evidence is not uniform on the uses of TENS. So, currently, the general recommendation is to avoid TENS treatment until more research is done on the topic.
Glucosamine supplements
Another commonly suggested treatment option for arthritis is glucosamine. Glucosamine is a crystalline compound that naturally occurs in connective tissues.
The problem with glucosamine treatment is that some anecdotal evidence supports its use, while other research suggests that it has an adverse effect in treating arthritis. For this reason, doctors and practitioners often advise against it, at least until we have more data.

Lifestyle changes as remedies for arthritis
While joint damage can’t be reversed, some lifestyle factors can have a strong effect on the progression of arthritis. Making some recommended lifestyle changes can slow down the disease and reduce the symptoms at the same time.
Losing weight
Obesity can be a significant risk factor for many forms of arthritis. The reason behind this is the increased load on the already damaged joints that might lead to faster deterioration.
While losing weight is not always easy, especially when your range of motion is already limited because of arthritis, there are still some options.
Following a stricter diet, eating more healthy foods, and getting a little more active can all go a long way toward naturally slowing down the progression of arthritis.
Exercise for arthritis
Regular exercise can help in multiple different ways. As mentioned above, losing some weight can ease the burden on the affected joints. Low-impact movement can also reduce stiffness and increase the range of motion. Another benefit is that the stronger the surrounding muscles are, the better they can support the joint.
When we say exercise, we don’t mean crazy things like running marathons or climbing rocks. There are certain low-impact exercises perfectly suited for arthritis patients.
Swimming or other underwater activities are great because they allow free movement without unnecessary joint stress. Tai chi and some forms of yoga are also highly recommended forms of exercise, both of which can be done at home with minimal or no equipment.
Diet for arthritis
Following a healthy and balanced diet can be beneficial not only for arthritis symptoms but for your general health too.
As we already mentioned above, keeping a healthy weight can reduce the stress on your joints and slow down the progression of certain forms of arthritis. A balanced diet - rich in unprocessed foods, fruits, and vegetables and a limited intake of unhealthy fats - can help you achieve this.
Furthermore, certain foods might have a connection with arthritis symptoms. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, can help reduce inflammation associated with certain forms of arthritis. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of arthritis. Red meats are known for their inflammatory effects, so it’s recommended to lower your intake of them if you are suffering from inflammatory arthritis.
You can find a lot of claims online about certain foods that could help with arthritis, but the truth is, only very few of these are fully backed by scientific research. However, aiming for a healthy and balanced diet will help your body in many different ways, while having no real downside. So regardless of its effects (or the lack of them) on your arthritis symptoms, following general guidelines about healthy eating would be beneficial when planning your diet.
A unique treatment option for arthritis pain
As you can see, when choosing arthritis treatment options, you might have to make some compromises. Especially when it comes to pain management, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.
Traditional pain medications can come with a lot of side effects. Natural remedies usually have lesser side effects, but they might not be as reliable.
Here at Super Patch, we have a vision that one should not make compromises when it comes to health. This is what inspired our Freedom patches.
These pain patches use innovative vibrotactile technology, stopping the pain right at the nerves without negative side effects or medications involved. They can offer pain relief on their own, or you can even use them in conjunction with other arthritis remedies, as they don’t interfere with traditional medicine.
If you are looking for a unique way to remedy your arthritis symptom - without making compromises - then come and take a look at our Freedom Pain Patches!
Arthritis – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Arthritis is a condition that can turn simple everyday tasks into painful experiences. The symptoms may include pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints of the body. Learning about arthritis can help you better understand your condition and take an active role in managing it.
In this article, we will explore what arthritis is, the various types of the disease, their symptoms, and their causes. We will also look at the treatment options available to manage your pain and improve joint function.
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is not one disease, but rather an umbrella term for many conditions that cause inflammation, pain, or swelling in the joints.
These conditions can have a detrimental effect on your everyday life. They limit your movement, cause pain and make it difficult to perform even simple routine tasks, such as walking, climbing stairs, or even holding a pen.
Types of arthritis
Arthritis can come in many different forms. There are more than a hundred diseases and conditions that fit under the term. Each of them has its unique set of symptoms, different levels of severity, and varying treatment options. Let’s take a quick look at the most common ones.
Osteoarthritis is a condition that occurs when the cartilage that covers the ends of bones wears down over time.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis - commonly referred to as RA - is an autoimmune disorder that can cause joint pain, swelling, and deformity.
Gout is a type of arthritis that results from a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints, leading to sudden and severe joint pains.
Psoriatic arthritis
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes excessive skin cell build-up. It can affect the joints too, resulting in pain, stiffness, and swelling.
Septic arthritis
Septic arthritis is a painful infection of the joints, caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
Reactive arthritis
Reactive arthritis is an inflammatory disease that can develop after an infection.
Identifying and understanding the type of arthritis that you could be suffering from will help you find the appropriate treatment options and successfully manage your symptoms.

Arthritis symptoms
While arthritis has many types, the symptoms can be very similar in a lot of cases. They affect the joints in every scenario, but which joints and to what degree can differ from type to type.
If you have arthritis you might experience some of the following symptoms:
- Joint pain
- Stiffness
- Swelling
- Redness and warmth around the joints
- Decreased range of motion
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Joint deformity
- Difficulty performing tasks that involve joint movement
While your exact symptoms may vary depending on what kind of arthritis you’re dealing with, what they all have in common is that they can significantly impact your quality of life and your ability to perform daily activities.
Diagnosing arthritis
Diagnosing arthritis typically involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests.
During a physical exam, a doctor will check for joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and range of motion.
Diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, or blood tests, may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other conditions that could cause similar symptoms. For certain types of arthritis, a joint aspiration test might be needed, where fluid is drawn from the affected joint for analysis.
With some types of arthritis, an early diagnosis can reduce the risk of permanent damage, and make treatment easier.
Arthritis causes
Arthritis can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, age, joint injuries, infections, and underlying medical conditions. In some cases, repeated stress or overuse of a joint can lead to the development of arthritis.
Some types of the disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, are autoimmune disorders in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues, including the joints.
Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is often caused by wear and tear on the cartilage that cushions the joints.
Genetics and age can also be a factor at play, as some types of arthritis mostly affect the older population, and others are more common in families that have a history of arthritis.
Septic and reactive arthritis can be traced back to underlying infections.
While a lot of times arthritis develops on its own, lifestyle factors can also contribute to the occurrence or worsening of certain types of the disease. Obesity, for example, puts extra stress on the joints, increasing the risk of osteoarthritis. Smoking and a sedentary lifestyle can also worsen the symptoms of arthritis.

Treating arthritis
Treatment options for arthritis can depend on multiple factors, including the type and severity of the condition.
Some types of arthritis, like the autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, are incurable. In these cases, the treatment aims to reduce or eliminate the symptoms. For others, like septic arthritis treating the root cause can entirely cure the disease.
Let’s take a quick look at possible remedies for arthritis.
The main goal of arthritis medication is to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms. This can be achieved with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, or other alternative methods.
Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) aim to slow down the progression of rheumatoid arthritis.
In some cases, where the disease is caused by an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.
Physical therapy
Improving joint flexibility, strength and range of motion can help with certain types of arthritis. Physical therapy is a great option to achieve this.
Additionally, you can reduce the strain on your joints by performing everyday tasks in different ways and maintaining a healthy weight. In some cases, splints or braces might be needed to help support the weakened joint, let it rest, and protect it from further damage.
In severe cases, surgery may be necessary.
Joint repair surgery aims to smooth and realign the joint surfaces to improve function. Joint replacement is a more drastic approach, where they replace the damaged joint entirely with an artificial one.
Pain relief for arthritis
As most forms of arthritis are incurable, the main focus of treatment should be on managing the symptoms. Reducing the pain can help you regain your normal quality of life, and make everyday movements easier.
While regular pain medications can do a good job at this, they often come with a plethora of side effects. Alternative pain relief options on the other hand, don’t usually cause severe side effects, but their effectiveness can vary greatly.
If you are suffering from arthritis-related pain, SuperPatch has your joints covered. Our pain patches are non-invasive, medication-free products, that can relieve the pain with innovative vibrotactile technology.