Thoroughly smooth a patch over clean, dry, hairless, and unbroken skin in a convenient area. You can change the location of your patch every day. Our patches are made from medical 3M material. They are natural, non-invasive, hypoallergenic, and 100% drug-free. There are zero additives, chemicals, or extracts in or on the patches.

Each patch can be worn for up to 24 hours. Our patches are made from medical 3M material. They are natural, non-invasive, hypoallergenic, and 100% drug-free. There are zero additives, chemicals, or extracts in or on our patches. The REM Patch should be applied when getting ready to sleep and removed upon wakening the next morning.

Yes, you can wear one or more patches at one time. The different patches do not interfere with the efficacy of any other patch. It has been observed that the Liberty Super Patch may help the efficacy of the other patches. Wearing more than one of the same patches will not increase the patch's effectiveness. However, multiple Freedom Patches can be worn in situations where the user is experiencing discomfort in different parts of the body.

We recommend each patch be used only once in a 24-hour period. Our patches are made from medical 3M material. They are natural, non-invasive, hypo-allergenic, and 100% drug-free. There are zero additives, chemicals, or extracts in or on our patches.

Although Super Patch users experience benefits within 20 minutes, we recommend trying a selected product for at least 14 days before determining if it's right for you.

No. The recommended maximum use for each patch is 24 hours. Its efficacy lessens after this period and as it loses adhesion, the neural connection through the skin is broken.

Yes. Every patch is water-resistant.

All our patches can be worn singly or at the same time. Their recommended usage is dependent on the benefits the user is trying to obtain. The benefits of each patch are listed on the website. Super Patch does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Any patch residue can be removed with warm water and gentle soap.

For Almost Everyone: Freedom, Liberty, and REM

Student Athletes: Victory and Focus (REM and Freedom if needed)

Busy Working People: Liberty, Peace, Focus (REM at night if needed)

55+years old: Liberty, Focus and Defend (REM at night if needed)

Athletic Training & Competition: Victory and Focus (Post Workout- Freedom and REM)

Academic: Focus and Liberty

Yes. Super Patches are recommended for kids 8 years and older.

Our patches should not be applied to open cuts and wounds, or on delicate or sensitive skin.

The recommended use for each patch is 24 hours. After this period, a patch's efficacy expires, and the patch can lose adhesion becoming less effective.

The technology is designed to start working as soon as the pattern is in contact with your skin. Although many Super Patch users experience benefits within 20 minutes, we recommend trying a product for at least 14 days to properly evaluate it.


Our patches are made from medical 3M material. They are natural, non-invasive, hypoallergenic, and 100% drug-free. There are no drugs, chemicals, or extracts in or on our patches. Our patches have no known side effects. If you experience skin irritation, remove the patch, and discontinue use.

No. If there is skin irritation, remove the patch and discontinue use.

Neither. The efficacy of our patches is not age-specific or dependent.

The patches are water-resistant.

Yes. But extreme heat and excessive sweating can cause a patch to lose adhesion.

On occasion, some users can have a rare reaction to the adhesive and can experience rashes and itchiness. Simply discontinue use and contact your physician if the irritation persists.

Although many Super Patch users experience benefits within 20 minutes, we recommend trying a product for at least 14 days to properly evaluate it.


Children must be 8 years of age or older to use Super Patch products.

No. All Super Patch products are neither habit nor dependency-forming. There are zero drugs, additives, or chemicals in or on our patches.

Yes. Our patches are made from medical 3M material. They are natural, hypoallergenic, non-invasive, and 100% drug-free. There are zero additives, chemicals, or extracts in or on our patches.

Yes. Every Super Patch product is made from medical 3M material. They are natural, hypo-allergenic, non-invasive, and 100% drug-free. There are zero additives, chemicals, or extracts in or on our patches.


Initial studies indicate that over time, with regular patch use, the brain's natural neuroplasticity could help reorganize and rewire itself for optimal function.

Initial studies indicate that over time, with regular patch use, the brain's natural neuroplasticity could help reorganize and rewire itself for optimal function.

Every Super Patch product is made from medical 3M material. Each is natural, hypo-allergenic, non-invasive, and 100% drug-free. There are zero additives, chemicals, or extracts in or on our patches. They are also gluten-free, paraben-free, latex-free, non-GMO, and certified skin safe.

Super Patch does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. The Focus Super Patch may help support attention and memory.

Super Patch does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition.

Super Patch does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition.

Super Patch does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition.

Super Patch does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition.


Every patch is made in the USA.

Patch dimensions: 2” x 2”

We currently ship to Canada, USA, UK, and select countries in the European Union.

Authoritative and peer-reviewed studies are available at